
Module: "io"


Type aliases


Type aliases


Ƭ AttestationRequest: t.TypeOf‹typeof AttestationRequestType›

Defined in io.ts:58


Ƭ AttestationResponse: t.TypeOf‹typeof AttestationResponseType›

Defined in io.ts:104


Ƭ AttestationServiceTestRequest: t.TypeOf‹typeof AttestationServiceTestRequestType›

Defined in io.ts:40


Ƭ E164Number: t.TypeOf‹typeof E164PhoneNumberType›

Defined in io.ts:42


Ƭ GetAttestationRequest: t.TypeOf‹typeof GetAttestationRequestType›

Defined in io.ts:70


Const AttestationRequestType

AttestationRequestType: TypeC‹object› = t.type({ phoneNumber: E164PhoneNumberType, account: AddressType, issuer: AddressType, // io-ts way of defining optional key-value pair salt: t.union([t.undefined, SaltType]), smsRetrieverAppSig: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), // if specified, the message sent will be short random number prefixed by this string securityCodePrefix: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), language: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), // unblinded signature phoneNumberSignature: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), })

Defined in io.ts:44

Const AttestationResponseType

AttestationResponseType: TypeC‹object› = t.type({ // Always returned in 1.0.x success: t.boolean,

// Returned for errors in 1.0.x error: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]),

// Stringifyed JSON dict of dicts, mapping attempt to error info. errors: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]),

// Returned for successful send in 1.0.x provider: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]),

// New fields identifier: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), account: t.union([t.undefined, AddressType]), issuer: t.union([t.undefined, AddressType]), status: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), attempt: t.union([t.undefined, t.number]), countryCode: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]),

// Time to receive eventual delivery/failure (inc retries) duration: t.union([t.undefined, t.number]),

// Only used by test endpoint to return randomly generated salt. // Never return a user-supplied salt. salt: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]),

// only returned if the request supplied the correct security code attestationCode: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), })

Defined in io.ts:72

Const AttestationServiceStatusResponseType

AttestationServiceStatusResponseType: TypeC‹object› = t.type({ status: t.literal('ok'), smsProviders: t.array(t.string), blacklistedRegionCodes: t.union([t.array(t.string), t.undefined]), accountAddress: AddressType, signature: t.union([SignatureType, t.undefined]), version: t.string, latestBlock: t.number, ageOfLatestBlock: t.number, isNodeSyncing: t.boolean, appSignature: t.string, smsProvidersRandomized: t.boolean, maxDeliveryAttempts: t.number, maxRerequestMins: t.number, twilioVerifySidProvided: t.boolean, })

Defined in io.ts:17

Const AttestationServiceTestRequestType

AttestationServiceTestRequestType: TypeC‹object› = t.type({ phoneNumber: E164PhoneNumberType, message: t.string, signature: SignatureType, provider: t.union([t.string, t.undefined]), })

Defined in io.ts:34

Const E164PhoneNumberType

E164PhoneNumberType: Type‹string, string, unknown› = new t.Type( 'E164Number', t.string.is, (input, context) => either.chain(t.string.validate(input, context), (stringValue) => isE164NumberStrict(stringValue) ? t.success(stringValue) : t.failure(stringValue, context, 'is not a valid e164 number') ), String )

Defined in io.ts:6

Const GetAttestationRequestType

GetAttestationRequestType: TypeC‹object› = t.type({ phoneNumber: E164PhoneNumberType, account: AddressType, issuer: AddressType, // io-ts way of defining optional key-value pair salt: t.union([t.undefined, SaltType]), // if the value supplied matches the stored security code, the response will include the complete message securityCode: t.union([t.undefined, t.string]), })

Defined in io.ts:60